Saturday, 9 March 2019

Something out of Nothing

Are your dreams a far cry from your current reality? If yes, then you’re in good company. My hopes, dreams and aspirations are many times removed from my current reality but I think that’s okay, provided I remain focused.

Yesterday I was with friends and I mentioned one of my dreams to them complete with timelines, and they started laughing. They laughed because they know my current situation and could not fathom how it was going to happen within the timescale I mentioned. 

Then I figured if they think it’s impossible, then it means an in track. The God I roll with is the God of impossibilities. I know that I have nothing now but that too is okay, God’s area of expertise is making something out of nothing.

So to myself and to all those in similar situations, keep focused on the dream and keep at it. If it scares you senseless and everyone around you thinks you’re crazy, then you’re probably on course.

God bless us all.


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