Saturday 25 July 2015

Get Connected. Stay Connected

Imagine being a member of the most powerful political dynasty in the world like the Bush family; or a member of the most successful real estate dynasty in the world like the Trump family; or a member of the most popular reality entertainment dynasty like the Kardashians; or a member of the most powerful banking and finance dynasty in the world like the Rothschild family; or to bring it home, imagine if you just found out that you are related to Aliko Dangote or Folorunsho Alakija?

I have a cousin who shares the same last name as General Chukwuemeka Ojukwu and she would often times regale us with tales of how she had used that name to open doors for herself while in school and when she started work by claiming a relationship with the General. In truth, many of us would do the same if we were so connected whether falsely or in reality.

But then again, are we not? Could it be that perhaps we do not realize the connections that we have? Because in truth you cannot use what you don't know you posses, just like you cannot give what you don't have. 

If that's the case, please permit to tell you this; YOU are insanely connected. Ephesians  2:19-20 tells us 'You are no longer aliens or foreign visitors: you are citizens like all the saints, and part of God’s household. You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone.' You belong to an everlasting dynasty with family members whose interests cut across industries. 

If politics is your thing you have St Thomas Moore who is the patron saint of politicians, statesmen and civil servants to show you a thing or two. Is your interest in real estate? Then connect immediately to St Joseph the spouse of our Blessed Mother Mary who, in addition to being the patron saint of workers, is also the patron saint of real estate matters and home sales.

Anyone interested in entertainment be it acting, dancing, music or comedy can connect immediately to St Genesius who was a former entertainer himself; and for all Finance and Accounting related matters, you will do well to hook up to St Matthew the Apostle who as a former tax collector knows plenty about money.

Sometimes we need connections not just for professional purposes, they're also very necessary in taking care of personal matters. 

Not to worry because in this too we're covered. Feel free to hook up with St Joseph or St Francis of Assisi or St Maximilian Kolbe for your family matters. There are also many saints for particular family situations or challenges, you can get more information on

For those battling one ailment or the other, there are so many members of this dynasty we can call upon. To mention a few are St Padre Pio for pain and suffering, St Theresa of Avila for headaches, St Peregrine for cancer. You can view a more comprehensive list here.

And if you're generally just going through a tough time and you're desperate and feel like all is lost, I will encourage you to connect to St Jude Thaddeus, St Rita of Cascia or St Philomena. You can read up some more about these saints here

In truth our Heavenly Father, the founding father of this dynasty, has got us all covered. So what are we waiting for, it's time to Get Connected and Stay Connected.


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