Wednesday 23 December 2020

Say my Name

In the recent past, exotic traditional names  seems to have become a thing. I see a lot of parents coming up with really exotic traditional names for their children.

I don’t think this was always the case, at least not for some generations past. 

So considering this, I always thought my parents did well because for their first three kids, they managed to come up with what I consider as unique and cool names, at least for their generation: Chinemerem, Nkeonyezuruya and Udoamaka.

So I was truly disappointed that all they could come up with when I was born was Uchechi. I mean as far as Igbo names go, it doesn’t get more common. It’s so common that it is answered both by males and females. Truly disappointing 😭😭😭

But then I received understanding 🧐and insight 🤓 about what my name stands for, and I have keyed into it so much that nothing else will do now.

So please feel free to say my name: Uchechi - God’s will, The Mind of God.

May his will reign supreme above all things for me and mine, and for you and yours.

Wishing you a joyous and peaceful Christmas celebration.

Photocredit: manfredsteger @Pixabay


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