Sunday 1 September 2013

10 Daily Habits of A Christian

Culled from the Holy Cross Cathedral Archdiocese of Lagos Bulletin published on 1st September 2013

1) Offer a short prayer when you wake up from sleep in the morning

2) Ask God's blessing and protection for yourself and family before you leave home for work daily

3) Say a short prayer in your office or shop before you begin to work

4) Read a short passage from the bible and reflect on it

5) Spend a few minutes of silence with God everyday

6) Receive the Holy Eucharist daily (if it possible) for nourishment and strength

7) Tell someone about Christ, or share his word with someone

8) Reach out to help a neighbour (Charity)

9) Ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints

10) Do a brief examination of conscience and give thanks to God before you go to bed

Looking at all these, it appears that only Catholics truly deserve the title Christians because there are clearly some items listed above that non-Catholics do not believe in and/or do not practise. Or what do you think?


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