Sunday, 8 September 2019

Living Alone.

Living alone comes with its own challenges. As someone who has done it for extended periods of time in different cities around the world, I would like to share a few of the lessons I have learnt along the way.

1. First and foremost, try as much as possible not to let it become public knowledge, especially online, that you live alone. It makes you an easy target

2. If you need to have tradesmen coming to do work in and around your house, invite a friend or family member to be at the house about the same time. It gives the impression that the house has multiple occupants and they would not know any better. Of course don’t then use your words to contradict the impression you have created

3. If you have multiple bedrooms in the house, create a ‘lived-in look’ for all of them for the same reasons as in the point stated above. You don’t want people who come into your house for whatever reason to know the difference.

4. Some live alone by choice, some live alone by chance. Whatever the reason, it is safer to have some kind of flow of traffic of trusted people (close family and friends) in and out of your house. Mainly so you don’t stand out as that person who not only lives alone but has no visitors. Again it makes you an easy target

5. Acquaint yourself with at least one neighbour and give them just enough information so that they can pick up when something irregular is going on at your place. The trick here is identifying the right neighbor and knowing how much information is ‘just enough’

6. In the same vein, let a trusted member of your family or a close friend have the contact details of one or two of your neighbors so that if they cannot reach you for any reason, they can call and have someone check on you

7. Give a spare key of your property to a trusted family or friend so that they can easily gain access in the case of an emergency or help you check on things if you’re going to be away

On top of all these I would add the tips relevant whether you live alone or not. Be aware of your environment, have the emergency service numbers for your area on speed dial and change your movement routes and timings so you don’t create a pattern that is easy to decipher and follow.

Stay safe.


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