Saturday 17 October 2020

All Change Please

Many of us have experienced being on a bus or train or plane which we boarded because it was going to a particular destination, which was either our final destination or en-route our desired destination.   

Partway into the journey we are told the bus or train or plane can no longer continue to that destination, for whatever reason, and everyone is expected to disembark and find an alternative means of getting to their desired destination.

Sometimes the alternative is provided, sometimes not. More often than not the change comes with an adverse impact on our time and our resources, both financial and otherwise, and bucketloads of inconvenience.

Our typical response when this happens is to rant. I certainly do so and do not mince words while expressing my displeasure, sometimes using words that are against my personal principles.

But what I don’t do is refuse to get off the bus, train or coach; because whether I like it or not, or whether I accept it or not, that bus or train or plane is no longer capable of getting me to my destination. So while ranting and expressing my displeasure, at the same time I am already looking for alternative options; because though that path or route may no longer be valid, my destination still is and I must keep going anyway and anyhow possible until I get there.

Of course there are occasions when a mishap on our journey may cause us to rethink the entire journey; but once the conclusion is reached that the destination remains valid, then we must find a way to proceed.

So why do we not respond the same way when life throws curve balls at us and causes or forces us to make a change? Why do we stay stuck, immobile and refuse to see that change is required and we must make that change because quite frankly that is the only option available to us?

So many of us are stuck in things, in  situations and in experiences that are at a dead end. Though we had intended that those things or situations or experiences will take us to a desired destination, for whatever reason something has changed and that thing or situation or experience is no longer capable of getting us to our desired destination. 

But rather than read the situation and make the required change to get us back on track, we stay stuck. Like remaining on the platform of a train we’ve been told is not going any further, or in the lounge of a plane that has been grounded. No matter how long we stay there, the outcome will not change. We might as well have boarded a bus or train or plane that is going nowhere. 

By all means rant and vent if that helps you express your displeasure and get things off your chest, but most importantly get back on track. Get back on a route or a path that gets you to your destination because though you may have lost time, though it may cost a bit more physically, mentally, psychologically and financially, when you get to your destination it’ll be all worth it.

May God bless us all.


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