Sunday 6 September 2020

Doing Life Alone.


Photo credit: Anthony Tran on Unsplash.

Not everyone who is alone is lonely, some have chosen to be alone and would have it no other way. But when it’s a state that you have not necessarily chosen for yourself or would not like to be in, it is a struggle. A BIG ONE.

Loneliness is a war, one of many fought in the battle of life. It is intense in its relentlessness. It seeks to draw you into its abyss and if you allow it to succeed, it’ll chew you up and spit your carcass out. 

I wish at this point I could give a ‘formula’, something ‘magical’ that you could do to miraculously make the feeling disappear. But I do not know of any, don’t even know if any such thing exists. 

All I know is that when loneliness comes knocking and seeks to pull me into its abyss, I fight against it with everything I’ve got. I refuse to let it get the better of me, to pull me down, to faze me or wear me out. I fight to pull myself up and out because I believe that it is a phase. And with all phases, it too shall pass.


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