Sunday 6 October 2019

Step up the game on Single-use Plastics.

I went fruit and vegetable shopping at my local grocery shop Lidl after a long time away from home. It struck me how much plastic I picked up from one trip to the store, there was just a lack of loose fruits and vegetables selection. 

Contrast this with my last few shoppings done while in Kenya. There is no sign of plastic anywhere and all fruits and vegetables are sold loose. Customers are provided with net packaging for their fruits and vegetables.

Surely we can do better in the U.K. All this talk about being a world leader, a developing nation, is just talk if it cannot be backed by tangible actions that will effect change. 

The fine for being caught with single use plastic bags in Kenya is $39,000 or imprisonment of up to four years. Compare that with the U.K. where for as low as 5p, you can still get plastic bags; and this is not even including all the plastic bags produce is pre-packaged in. Don’t even let me get started about the USA where plastic bags are still being given out for free.

Our ‘developed nations’, surely you can do better. On this one, take a cue from Kenya and step up your game.


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