Saturday 19 October 2019

THEY, heroes of the Sick.

I have recently been in Lourdes and many sick people come here to experience God’s healing power. The sanctuary is filled with people suffering from different kinds of ailments, and an almost equal number of volunteers who care for the sick and take them to various places in the sanctuary to partake of different activities. 

I went to Lourdes with my dad who is recovering from a long illness and has reduced mobility; I confess it was very difficult for me taking him around trying to ensure that he participated actively in the activities in and around the the sanctuary.

Anyone who has been or is familiar with the area would know Lourdes is located in the mountain area of the Pyrenees, so there are lots of uphills and downhills to get around, not an easy feat when you’ve got to push a wheelchair or sick bed.

So I would like to dedicate this article to all those who care for and look after the sick, the disabled and generally those who are incapable of looking after themselves. That their labour of love will not be in vain. Amen.

Below are some pictures (one mine, others pulled from the internet all copyrights acknowledged) depicting some of the awesome work the volunteers carry out.


  1. I missed my opportunity to travel to Lourdes some years back. I pray I would be able to do so in the near future. Thanks for sharing your experience. May God grant complete healing to your dad and all others with long term ailments. May he bless abundantly those who care for the sick. Amen

    1. Amen. Thanks for your comment. Lourdes is such a beautiful place and the experience is awesome. I do hope you get to experience it.
