Wednesday, 30 January 2019


We are in the season of Christmas and Christmas stories are filled with divine revelations. God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary; and told Joseph in a dream first to accept the child and not divorce the mother, then to flee with his family to escape the wrath of Herod. God sent his angels to announce the birth of the messiah to the shepherds, and then told the wise men from the east to return home via another route in a dream. 

A friend of mine asked me the other day if God still speaks? Does he still send his angels and does he still speak to us through dreams? I strongly believe this is still the case. For some years I have been paying close attention to my dreams and have previously written about my personal experiences ( As we start another year, I would like to share another experience and encourage someone, if you are not already doing so, pay attention to what God is saying especially through dreams. They are as important as the messages he gives us through angels disguised as people.

Sometime in the middle of last year I was in a difficult situation at work and it was affecting me physically, psychologically and mentally. What made it particularly difficult was I struggled to see the end. Not knowing when it will be over compounded an already bad situation. At the height of this situation I had a dream; in this dream God showed me the end. I didn't quite get it at the time but he showed me what I was going to be moving on to and showed me it would take me to Ukraine in 2019. That dream marked the beginning of my mental, psychological and physical recovery. I did not know how but I knew everything was going to be okay. It took several months for that dream to come to pass. Today I am living the physical manifestation of that dream as the picture above shows.

So this year let's pay more attention, let's listen. Perhaps it may be a message to guide you in a certain direction (Mary receiving the message that she would be the mother of the son of God); perhaps it may be a message to protect you from danger (Joseph receiving a message to flee from Herod with his family), perhaps it may even be a glimpse of the future to help us overcome a difficult situation and give us hope. Whatever it is, let's listen more this year.

May God bless us all.


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