Saturday 24 March 2018

The Dreamers.

I am a dreamer. In a week I dream 4 out of 7 nights; and on each night I will have at least 3 dreams.

Dreaming is exhausting for me because of the sheer number. In the past I didn't take note of my dreams, though there were some that were so vivid they stuck. I did not try to recall them either. If it was something that disturbed me, I would just pray and then forget about it.

As I have gotten older and grown spiritually, I have come to understand the importance of dreams and I have learnt to distinguish between them; dreams of light (messages from God) and dreams of darkness (attacks from the evil one). And because I have started making a conscious effort to understand what the message is in my dreams, I have started writing them down. 

As with everything else, once something is written down, it comes to life. It becomes real and you can clearly see what the message is. And getting to the message is crucial, because God still speaks in dreams.

So if you are a dreamer, take note of your dreams. Write them down or speak to a trusted person about them who can help you understand what the message is. Over and above that, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the message to you so you can act on it.

Few points to note:
1) Everyone can be given a message by God through dreams. It is not reserved for the 'righteous or spiritual'. We know Pharaoh was not a believer in God, neither were his cup bearer and chief baker. But they all received dreams from God.

2) Pay attention to your dreams as therein might contain an important message that requires an action. You cannot act if you have not taken note.

3) Seek for help to interpret if you are not clear. We can seek guidance from men of God, we also have the Holy Spirit to enlighten us.

4) Take necessary action. For dreams of revelation, faith is required. We must believe what God has revealed and act accordingly. Then we can sit back and watch everything unfold.

God bless us all.


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