Sunday 8 April 2018

Making Plans.

For a few years now at the dawn of a new year, I make a Plan covering various aspects of my life one of which is spiritual. During the year, I review how I am tracking against this plan and update or make adjustments where necessary.

This year was no different and one of the plans I made was to spend one hour every morning in praise & worship & scripture study. Also this year I set a stretch target to carry out said activities between 5am and 6am. 

Needless to say it has been a challenge. I struggle to get out of bed at 5am so this time has been pushed out to 5.30am to 6am to 7am; it's gotten so bad some days it's 7.30am.

2 weeks into lent yesterday I was reviewing my Lenten journey so far. I felt in my spirit I wasn't doing enough. I asked God to tell me what to do, what penitential act would please him and the response was immediate; he told me to give him back his time, our 5am meeting time.

I must admit I was surprised at that. I had written those plans with the mindset of a personal challenge. But after making my plans, I had presented them to the Lord and asked him to bless them and grant success. Unbeknownst to me he did more than that, he made them his own as well. So when I was not meeting up with my own end of the bargain, he sent me a reminder.

Proverbs 19:21 says 'Plans abound in the human heart but only Yahweh's purpose will be realized'.

What plans have you made? Have you committed them to God? Are you keeping up your own end of the bargain? I did not still make my appointment today but I am determined to keep trying, one day at a time everyday.

God bless us all.


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