Sunday 30 December 2018

Holy Land Chronicles Day 4.

23rd December 2018.

On day 4 we swapped our rental car to go by public transport to our next sites; mainly because the plan was to go to Bethlehem which is in the Palestinian territory and so you cannot go in with an Israeli registered car (or at least we were told not to).

In Bethlehem we visited the place where tradition holds Jesus was born and also the field were the shepherds were when they were received the news of the messiah’s birth by the angels. At the church of the nativity (the church built over the place where Christ was born), there were throngs of people waiting to get in.

We ended the day by going to Mount Saba where a monastery has been built. The views from here are amazing. In the words of another tourist we met at the top of the mountain, he felt the presence of God.

Highlights of my day: Visiting and praying at the place where Christ was born; and going up to Mount Saba. It was terrifying at times while going up but getting there was totally worth it.

Enjoy the pictures.


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