Sunday 30 December 2018

Holy Land Chronicles Day 3.

22nd December 2018.

Day 3 was an early start, 4.30am early I mean. This was because my guide host had arranged for us to attend mass at the Holy Sepulcher, the site of the crucifixion and burial of our Lord, at 5.30am.

It turned out sacrificing sleep to be at the site so early was the best decision as we were able to beat the crowds queuing to visit the tomb. 

Afterwards we set off for Masada national park which is a site which holds great significance for the Jews. You can read more about it via this linkגן-לאומי-מצדה/. 

We also visited the Dead Sea whose constituents (mud and water) are believed to have healing and restoration benefits. It’s mud is often used as an input in various cosmetic products and we found people taking mud baths near the shore. 

Afterwards we went to Qumeran Park, the site where the Dead Sea scrolls were found hidden in caves. On our way back to Jerusalem, we stopped at the site where John had baptized near the river Jordan but couldn’t get in as they had closed for the day.

Last activity for the day was to visit the house of Zechariah and Elizabeth where John the Baptist was horn and where Mary had visited. A church is now built over the site known as the Church if Visitation. The song of praise which Mary sang has been inscribed on the walls in various languages. I was pleased to see it in two Nigerian languages, Igbo and Yoruba. We finished off the day by having dinner in a nice restaurant, Mala bistro. Be sure to check it out.

High point: Visiting and venerating the site of the crucifixion and the tomb, and screaming into the mountains at Masada and hearing my words come back to me.

Enjoy the pictures.


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