Wednesday 13 June 2018

New Beginnings

This morning I read from the beginning of the gospel of Mark to verse 20. I also read Daniel 1 and 2 Samuel 2. These three scripture passages are filled with stories of beginnings. 

Mark opens his gospel with 'the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the son of God’ Mark 1:1. In 2 Samuel we read about the beginning of the reign of David as king of Judah. In Daniel, we read the beginning of the exile of Israelites in Babylon under king Nebuchadnezzar and the beginning of the story of Daniel.

In all these stories, these were not beginnings that arose out of new birth. Instead these were beginnings that came out of 'new missions' or the start of a mission. 

Jesus Christ came into the world to bring salvation through proclamation of the good news. Mark begins his gospel by taking us directly to the start of Jesus' public ministry. David had been anointed king many years before as a lad but this was just the beginning of his kingship.

We may have missions that we have been called to but not started because the time is not right. At the right time, let us look forward to our new beginnings. These new beginnings may start with challenges. For Jesus, he was immediately led into the desert to be tempted. David faced opposition from the people of Israel who chose another king. Daniel and his companions were immediately given food to eat which was against their beliefs.

These challenges should not dissuade or deter us from continuing on the mission. Instead let us hold on to the support that God gives us through his spirit, the angels and his word.


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