Sunday 17 July 2016

The Ideology of Gender

This afternoon I received an invitation to a conference which I needed to register for to attend. As part of the registration process, I was asked to indicate my gender with two options provided, male or female. This came to me as a surprise because increasingly, everything around seems to suggest that gender options are not quite distinct anymore. In fact while setting up my new Microsoft phone, there were three gender options for me to choose from - male, female and neutral. Also I read that Facebook has 71 gender options available to its many users, you can view the many options here; and if somehow a user is unable to identify with any of these options, there is a 'custom' option which allows you to 'create a gender' that you can identify with. Even dictionaries have not been left out and state that outside the male/female binary classification, gender can be applied to a category of human beings based on the individual's personal awareness or identity.

Interesting stuff isn't it, the realization that 'Gender' as we know it does not exist anymore. We have departed from the creator's plan which we read about in Genesis 5:2 'Male and female he created them',also Matthew 19:4 'In the beginning the creator made people male and female'; we have departed from this to 71 different gender types and still counting. 

Gender has become an ideology. An idea that is not based on facts, but on myths and sensation in an attempt to theorize a vision and impose these myths as truth. The sad thing about this is that not only have we discarded a fundamental truth, the advocates of this ideology are imposing this falsehood as truth and weaving it into the very fabric of our society.

In God or Nothing, a book written by Cardinal Robert Sarah, he explains that "according to the gender ideology theorists, there is no ontological difference between man and woman. Masculine and feminine identities are not inscribed in nature but are the result of a social construct, a role played by individuals through social tasks and functions. Gender is formative and the differences between man and woman are nothing but oppressive norms, cultural stereotypes and social constructs that have to be undone so as to arrive at parity between man and woman." [1]

Unfortunately this ideology is a deformed child of the Marxist school of thought and as with all ideologies, is by nature disconnected from reality and will necessarily be a source of division since it cannot win the lasting allegiance of people who are still anchored in reality. It has also built momentum from the Feminine ideology whose advocates maintain that 'One is not born a woman, one chooses to become woman', a statement attributed to Simone de Beauvoir. [2]

Our gadgets and social media have been adapted to suit this ideology. In the schools in US, students are taught to repeatedly question what they are. With respect to the ideology of gender, your gender cannot be decided by how you were created and the genitals you were created with, but is a function of whatever you feel, how you feel, when you feel it and to what degree you feel it; and of course your gender changes as your feelings change. 

Unfortunately ideologies come with a price. They bring about a revolution and we already see this playing out in the constant attacks on the church, marriage and family life. We see this playing out even in cases where funds for developing nations are dispensed on the condition of acceptance and legalization of this ideology and promulgation of the LGBT movement. We see this playing out in the change of the curriculum of the educational system to ensure children are taught this ideology and how everything boils down to 'freedom of choice'. 

Let us make no mistake about this, the very essence of our being, is under attack. These gender theorists seek to replace the image and likeness of God in human beings with an utopia. We must resist this falsehood and defend the truth.

If we do not remember anything else, let us remember that 'In the beginning, he made them male and female'; there were no shades of grey. With 71 gender types and still counting, I wonder what the end of this is. Gender has become another victim of the theory of Relativism and the culture of death.


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