Thursday, 17 April 2014

Created for A Purpose

Let me start by asking a few fundamental questions

1) who are you?
2) why are you here on earth?
3) what do you think is your purpose in life?

Before I put down my few words, I would just like to state that my objective in writing this is not to tell anyone what their individual purpose in life is, that is something you will need to discover yourselves. What I will try to do is give pointers, a direction to how one can discover that purpose; and when you have discovered it, what to do with it.

My pointers to help answer the questions above are as below:-

Who are you?
I am not an accident. None of us here, regardless of the circumstance of our birth, is an accident. We often here people say 'Oh, this child was not planned, or 'I got pregnant by accident, or 'it was a mistake'. Please let's all remove that from our heads and if you hear people saying that, correct them. No human being was created by accident. Isaiah 44:2 says 'I am The Lord who created you and formed you in the womb'. God has a hand in the forming of every single one of us in our mothers' wombs, there is no accident to it.

Why are you here on earth?
Your being here on earth is not about you. Put in another way, your purpose for being created is not about you. Colossians 1:16 says 'God created the whole universe through him and for him'. He made it all and he alone knows why he made us. So many times we spend so much time thinking about why we were created, we do not think to ask our creator, our father 'Lord, tell me why I am here on earth, the purpose for which I man created'. There is nothing we cannot ask of our Heavenly Father, even something as simple as 'Lord tell me what my purpose is on earth'.
Also 'Life is a trust and a test.' When I say life is a trust, I mean our lives have being given to us in trust. We do not own ourselves, God owns us and everything we have and are. But he has given it to us in trust that we might 'know him, love him and serve him in this life and be with him forever in the next - basic cathechism'. Gen 2:15 says 'The lord placed man in charge of the garden of Eden, to cultivate and guard it'. Our lives have been given to us on trust, our possessions have been given to us on trust, our talents have been given to us on trust. It is important that we realize this and make sure that we are using all these 'gifts' from God to know him, love him and serve him.
We should always remember there is more to life than just here and now. 1 John 2:17 'The world and it's desires are passing away, temporary, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. If we look around we see signs of people, places, things that have passed away. We read of structures coming down, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes that have wiped out communities, villages, cities. In our country especially in the east erosion has wiped out roads, houses in villages. Some of us here have lost loved ones who have passed for this life. We must never forget that this world is passing and we need to prepare for eternal life. That is one of the reasons God made us, to be with him forever. Our actions here on earth will determine that.

What do you think is your purpose in life?
Your purpose in life may not be disconnected with your natural talent. All of us, every single one of us, has been given a talent,  a gift by God. It is important that we discover what this talent is, and then use it to achieve your purpose. Often times we think our talent must be something 'big', unique, awe inspiring and out of this world.  This is not true. In most cases our talent is something 'little' which we may even tend to overlook but when well harnessed, can deliver much.

Let me give you a few examples we can relate with. I will cite some examples and you can judge yourselves if these people used their talent to achieve their purpose

- Queen Esther (beauty)
- Hitler (natural leader)
- Samson (strength)
- Chimamanda Adichie
- Martin Luther King (natural orator)
- Malala Yousafzai (academician)
- David (prowess)

In conclusion, I want to invite you all to think about your life, examine yourselves. A famous philosopher said 'Man know thyself' and 'an up examined life is not worth living'. No one can tell you your talent, that thing that will lead you to achieve your purpose. You are in the best position to know. The most important thing we must not forget is that knowing God, loving God and serving God is the main focus of your life and your purpose should lead you to this.


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