Thursday 23 July 2020

Pleasure in Little Things. Episode 1

Photo credit: Reiseuhu from Unsplash

My morning wake up song. 

Gosh, it’s been ages I posted on this blog. I definitely need to do better so I’m thinking of changing direction a little bit. Rather than think of ‘big things’ to write about so that I sound a little bit intelligent, focus on the many little things that often go unnoticed and/or unsaid and leave the big things to the intellectuals. 

So today I want to share what happens to me most mornings. More often than not, I wake up with a song in my head and that song will become my companion for the rest of the day (i.e. repeat mode on my phone or my Amazon echo device). It could be a pick me up song, or a calm me down song, or just a motivational song to ease me into the day. Because music is my go to anytime any day, whatever song comes to me is always apt for wherever my head and my heart is at that time. 

I suppose I am not alone in this, who else experiences this? Please share. By the way my wake up song today is ‘Christ is Enough’ by Hillsong ( This one got me dancing. Enjoy and make time to enjoy the little things.


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