Saturday 29 February 2020

Course Correct

Everyone makes mistakes, of varied proportions. Some are easily glossed over, some are game changers and have life changing consequences. 

That a mistake was made is nothing to dwell excessively on, what is most important is what has happened afterwards; the ability for one to ‘Course Correct’. No matter how grave or serious a mistake was or is, it’s gravity can be heightened depending on the actions that follow from it.

The aim is to learn from it, dwell on it no more and move on. That is what you owe yourself.

Of course there are people who, no matter how much you have course corrected, will always refer to your mistake. No matter how much you have moved on, their aim is to take you back. In their minds, there is no differentiation between you and the mistake. They never see you as what you have become or trying to become, they only see the mistake which you have left behind. 

You do not owe anything to those who are incapable of seeing, appreciating and supporting your ‘Course Correction’. If they are still able to see your ‘Red light’, it means they have stayed behind you. So leave them behind as you move on. 


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