Sunday 2 September 2018

My GPS Experience - Blind Trust.

I previously wrote an article on this same topic, link following This is not a continuation of that article but since then I have learnt even more things.

Last weekend was bank holiday weekend here in the UK and we had a busy weekend planned that involved quite a bit of traveling. I decided to drive for all of it and as I am still very unfamiliar with the UK roads, I was heavily reliant on my satellite navigation system.

Of the countless trips we took that weekend, I never questioned the directions from the SatNav even once. All I did was to key in my destination, it gave me three route options, I selected one and off we went. If we drove through a village I never questioned once if we were on the right track. I didn't doubt for a second that the system will get me to my destination. That was the extent of my trust in a navigation system and my complete obedience, following it's instructions.

On my way home, I reflected on how similar is the faith and trust and obedience the Father asks from us. Indeed it's no different. We have a part to play - get into the car, turn on the ignition, key in our destination and follow his directions while his part is to give us the best option for what and where we desire to go and take us there. No difference.

So as we enter into the ember months of another year and start another week, think about this driver-navigation system relationship and how it can be used to build the relationship with the father. And all it takes is to play our part (get in, key in destination, follow instructions) and allow him play his part.

Trust and Obey. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. If I may add, having the satnav and keying the destination is one thing, putting the device in a location that will allow you see the directions and hear the instructions is another thing. So many of us as Christians are comfortable leaving God in our trunk or tucked away somewhere, rather than have Him be on the journey with us 100%.
