Sunday 3 June 2018

Give. Give. Give.

Acts 3:6 'I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have I give you'. 

We often receive requests for help. People ask us to give to a certain cause, assist the less privileged, give for the maintenance of our community (churches, schools, hospitals, etc). Sometimes these requests to give inundate us to the extent that we start avoiding people and places where we are likely to be asked to give. At mass last Sunday, the priest presented the statement of the parish account for the past year. Any financial person could tell from the account that the parish was just about breaking even; actually they needed a little more to meet their financial obligations. But the priest soft pedaled when asking people to contribute more. In fact he didn't ask, he suggested for fear people will stop coming to church completely.

Peter & John didn't have money, but they gave what they had and that turned out to be all that the lame man required. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says 'God is able to make every grace abundant for you; so that in all things, always having what you need, you may have an abundance for every good work'.

Whenever I receive requests and I think that I don't have what has been requested to give, I remember this scripture passage and I think I can give what I do have. And that may end up being what was really required to start with.

I hope this passage touches you in the same way. God bless.


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