Monday 13 March 2017

God's Waiting Room

God's Waiting Room

A great number of us are familiar with the concept of a waiting room. According to the Cambridge dictionary, it is 'a room where people can sit while waiting, as in the doctor's office, an airport, a bus or train station'. Please note the use of 'sit', which connotes comfortability and absence of anxiety. If you are familiar with a doctor's waiting room, most people who are anxious tend to stand and/or pace about.

Today the Spirit has moved me to talk about God's waiting room. It is the room where people wait for answers to their petitions concerning family, health, work, business, school, spouse, children and so many other things. Not everyone who is waiting for answers to their prayers are in God's waiting room, because being in God's waiting room requires that we understand and exhibit these fundamental virtues - faith and hope.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). Hope is 'placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit'. (CCC 1817).

Faith and Hope are two essential requirements to be in God's waiting room. Those in God's waiting room know that their prayers have already been answered and their petitions granted. They know this because they are familiar with Christ's promises and know he keeps every single one of them. They know this because they understand that the word has already been spoken, and all that remains is the manifestation in the physical for human eyes to see.

So I would like to encourage all of those who are waiting, take a leap of faith and wait in God's waiting room. And while we wait there, just thank him for all he has done which we are just waiting to see in the physical. And when God answers, even if the response is not what we expected, it doesn't change the fact that God meets and attends to us in his waiting room.

God bless us all.


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