Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Woe to you Shepherds

At mass today, one of the readings taken was from the prophecy of Ezekiel. At the time, the word of the Lord was addressed unto the prophet and he sent him to the shepherds of the people of Israel and this was what he was to say to them: 'Woe to you shepherds of Israel. You take care of yourself but do not tend the sheep' Ezekiel 34:1-11.

Reflecting on this passage I thought to myself, is this prophecy still relevant in our time? If God were to send a message to our own shepherds - the Pope, Bishops, Priests, our Presidents, Governors, Council chairmen - will the message be any different? Or will they be condemned in similar fashion?

I think that every shepherd should reflect on this passage and perhaps use it as an act of daily examination of conscience. And if they should think that they are not accountable to God as shepherds, let them be reminded with the words of St Paul in Romans 13:1 'No authority exists without God's permission and the existing authorities have been put there by God'.

And for the rest of us who may consider ourselves excluded from the role of shepherds, by virtue of our baptism we share in Jesus' priestly, kingly and prophetic nature. We are also accountable for the wellbeing of the sheep that has been placed in our care - our children, siblings, friends, acquaintances - we will be answerable for them to the extent of the role we have played either in their salvation, or in their condemnation. 

In that passage of Ezekiel, the shepherds were not condemned for anything they said. It was their actions not their words that condemned them. Little wonder Jesus warned his followers to 'Obey and follow everything the Pharisees taught but not to imitate their actions because they do not practise what they preach' Matthew 23:3.

There is a saying that 'Actions speak louder than words'; and for Christians we are admonished to 'Pay heed to our actions, as they may be the only bible that someone has the opportunity to read'. Let us heed these words and make necessary adjustments, each and everyone of us. Remember to whom much is given, much more is expected and this is probably the reason why the apostle Peter reminded the believers that 'judgement will begin from the sanctuary' 1 Peter 4:17.

May God help us.

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  • Woe to you Shepherds At mass today, one of the readings taken was from the prophecy of Ezekiel. At the time, the word of the Lord was addressed unto the prophet and he sent him to the shepherds of the people of Israel and this was what he was to… Read More


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