The wedding feast, the birthday feast, the anniversary feast, the thanksgiving for favors received feast. Name it, we're always celebrating one thing or the other. Question is where do we keep Jesus, his mother Mary, and the saints his disciples when we are celebrating? Or put in another way, where do we keep them at all in our lives?
There is a beautiful story in the bible of a wedding that took place in Cana and there is so much treasure contained in that passage that I would like to share.
There was a wedding in Cana in Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus was also invited to the wedding, with his disciples (John 2:1-2).
This wedding happened a few days after Jesus had chosen a few of his disciples. He had called Andrew, Simon, Philip and Nathanael according to John's gospel account. It is very likely that the couple of this wedding feast had made all their arrangements for this wedding including having an idea how many guests they will need to cater for. Nonetheless, they extended an invitation to Jesus and his friends.
Question: Are we quick to invite Mary, Jesus and the saints into our lives, our work, our homes, our celebrations, our trials, our tribulations, our relationships? Or are we so caught up in the plans we have made that we have no room for them? Do we only see the 'sacrifices' that we may be called upon to make by their presence in our lives that we are blinded to the 'excellent rewards'? Let's see what happened at the wedding in Cana.
When all the wine provided for the celebration had run out, the mother of Jesus said to him 'They have no wine'. Jesus replied 'Woman, what do you want from me? My hour has not yet come'. His mother said to the servants 'Do whatever he tells you'. (John 2:3-5).
Meet our Lady, the Mother of Perpetual Help. Always ready to help whether we call on her or not. All she asks is that we invite her into our own lives, into our homes, and make room for her there. Her assistance was not solicited for; she gave it anyway and she continues to do so, just as she continues to intercede for us, placing our petitions before God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Question: Do we see Mary as our mother, ever ready to help us? Have we made room for her in our lives? When she intercedes for us and then says 'Do whatever he tells you', are our feet quick to obey?
Jesus said to the servants 'Fill the jars with water'. And they filled them to the brim. (John 2:7)
Perhaps it is doubt, or fear, or uncertainty, that causes us to falter. We simply do not know what to expect and so we refuse to act. Or we're cowed by the 'enormity of the sacrifice' that we have been called to make in following Jesus; in opening up to him, his mother and his disciples the saints. Perhaps we just don't know what he will request of us. Perhaps we need to give up our most treasured possession, our time, talent, treasure, and instead fill up our lives with charity, prayers, sacrifice circa Jesus directive to the servants to fill up the stone jars with water which he turned into wine. Whatever it may be, let us not be afraid as glory awaits us.
Listen to what the steward had to say after he tasted the water-turned-into-wine; 'Everyone serves the best wine first, instead you have kept the best wine until the end'. (John 2:10)
Our God is a God who rewards his children. He gives the best of everything, everything. What is your need? What is your heart's desire? Hand it over to Jesus, to our Lady, to the saints. In return, do whatever they tell you no matter how odd it may be, or how untoward, or how much of a sacrifice it will require and watch. God reward you with 'A full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over' (Luke 6:38)
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