Thursday 10 October 2013

My Nigeria 'Online' Experience

I am a Nigerian - born, bred and brought up. I have lived in same country all my life excluding a brief stint in the UK and several short visits to other countries. Overall I think I love my country. Some things work, some others don't but who cares? Show me a place where everything works.

I am an avid online shopper. I picked up the habit while living in the UK and have been unable to drop it. I can literally buy everything online. More so since traipsing from one shop to another physically leaves me very tired, it's very nice to achieve the same thing virtually in the comfort of my home. In truth it was one of the things I missed when I came back to live in Nigeria.

Fast forward a few years forward, and I begin to see nice billboards advertising various online shopping sites. And it's not just the shopping, it's also online ticket booking, online banking, online hotel booking, online bills payment, supposedly a gazillion amount of things that can be done on the fantastic world of the internet. Happy days right???


I have had cause to try the various online sites. From flight tickets, to electronics, to gifts for family, to hotel bookings, concert tickets, deals in town, just name it; I have gone online for literally everything.

So what have I found out?

Some sites work, some others are just bollocks. From my experience, these are a few that work.

> Dealdey: I have tried this site for a number of things, from deals in restaurants, to discounted items and services. This site is full of 'awoof' which is not so bad. I have been pleased with some of the deals I have gotten from it. However one needs to be careful. There is a popular saying that 'awoof dey run belle' and this site is no different. My advise, choose carefully and wisely.

> Various airline sites: This is with reference to direct airline sites such as Arik air, Aero Contractors, Virgin Atlantic, and so on. These sites for the most part work. I have used them severally with no issues, except maybe one or two hitches but always quickly resolved.

> Travelstart: This is an online flight and hotel booking site which was recommended by a friend after I had an unsavory experience with one of the other sites (more on that to come). Considering I
used it at a time when I was very desperate, I was pleased that I got good results. I did hear from someone else that she had tried them but was disappointed as her hotel booking did not go through, but I think it's best I base what I write now on my personal experience.

Now to those that are frankly just a waste of space.....

> Wakanow: I wish I had something good to say about this site but unfortunately I don't. I am predisposed to like them but quite frankly they have always come up short. I have used them twice and both times I have been disappointed. First time had to do with a flight booking and after I paid, the ticket was not issued and I was told to pay extra money twice if I wanted the ticket issued. Needless to say I got so annoyed I asked for the ticket to be cancelled and what I paid refunded. It took several trips to their office in Lagos before my money was refunded, and of course by that time not the full value was refunded. Second time was for a honeymoon package and that was so botched up, it took a lot for my husband and I to still go on a honeymoon, no thanks to Wakanow. My advise, stay clear!!!

> Jumia: Quite frankly I think people should stop offering what they don't have to give and that is my problem with this site. I went to this site to buy a voice recorder for a friend. Went through the
modalities of choice, payment and sending delivery details. Two days later I receive a call; the item is not available and so I will be given a voucher to use to buy something else on the site. However if I
am okay to wait one more week, the item will be available by then. So I agree to wait one more week and then I call back and am told the item is now available so I place another order because the previous one was cancelled. Then receive a call the next day, and guess what? Yes you're right, the item is unavailable again. Suddenly sales have picked up and they've gone out of stock within 24 hours. Yeah right!!! My response.... Please cancel my order and refund my money thank you very much.

So has this put me off online shopping?

Well to a large extent it has, especially in Nigeria because it just doesn't work here. The disappointment is so not worth the effort and that's my final answer.


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