Sunday 1 September 2013

‘’Go and make disciples of all nations’’ - Walking the Talk

"Go and make disciples of all nations’’, the theme of the just concluded 2013 World Youth Day.

I’ve known about the World Youth Day for some time now, first heard about it in 2002 during the 17th edition that took place in Toronto Canada. In all honesty I did not pay too much attention to it, took it as a gathering for ‘select’ people specially chosen to meet and greet with the Pope. However I developed a curiosity about the biennial or so event around 2009. In truth I think I developed a general curiosity about the church and most things catholic. So I started taking note of major church events especially those for young people.

In the latter part of 2012, the pope announced the Year of Faith and this was a call to all Catholics to ‘rediscover the joy of believing and the enthusiasm for communicating the faith’ (Porta Fidei). This was the first of its kind in my lifetime and so I was excited about this. The theme of the next World Youth Day preceding this declaration was to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ and so I decided I would attend the event.

Fast forward three weeks after my return from the World Youth Day during which myself, together with millions of young people from all over the world, received the charge to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ – and I ask myself, what next? How do I translate this so important charge into action???

I have outlined below some practical steps:

·         Be sowers of the good news: The call to evangelize is a resounding call. Blessed John Paul said ‘Those who have come into genuine contact with Christ cannot keep him for themselves; they must proclaim him. This proclamation must not be imposed but proposed with confidence’. Some easy steps that we can try 
o   Read a portion of the bible everyday simply because you cannot give what you do not have. Familiarising ourselves with God’s word increases our understanding of our faith and equips us with what we can share with others
o   Take advantage of daily small opportunities to proclaim God’s word. That word of encouragement, friendly look, helping hand, word of prayer for a friend, family or colleague. In truth, little drops of water do make an ocean

·         The church needs us, and we need the church: As members of the church, we partake in the communion of saints. We need the church to continue to partake in this communion. And in turn, the church needs us to carry on the message of the good news through evangelization. Evangelization requires loving the church, feeling with her, suffering with her, working with her, avoiding any division or rupture, not being carried away by the winds of new doctrines and interpreting the Holy scriptures in the light of the church’s tradition and tutelage. So I am not just a statistic, the church needs me and I can add value.

·         Make disciples through prayer: I write this article on the 27th August, the feast of St Monica, who is remembered on this day for winning disciples for Our Lord through prayers. Let us emulate this tested and trusted formula.

·         Called to serve in love: This also happens to be the motto for the clergy in the Archdiocese of Lagos and indeed I think it is apt that every Christian adopts this model. Show me a man that loves and I will show you a man of service.

Arming myself with the few steps above, I think I am ready to Walk the Talk. Please join me and see you at the top.


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